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About Stu

Stu is a speaker, author, songwriter and sociologist. He has dedicated his life to researching, investigating and studying human charm, charisma, appeal and success. His purpose has been clear. Why are some people LIKED more than others? Stu has taken his findings and studied them, scrutinized them, analyzed them, dissected them, questioned them and debated them. He found that successful social interaction is NOT complicated. In fact, it is quite simple. Stu loves to share his findings with both young and older audiences alike.

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Available for:

Schools, Libraries,

America’s #1 Superhero Instructor Stu Jacobson travels throughout America performing his 40-minute motivational kid's show, Be Kind Be Positive and Read, at schools, libraries and festivals. Stu teaches kids K through 4 three simple rules to becoming a successful superhero: Be Kind Be Positive and Read. (Younger and older audiences will surely enjoy too)

Brand New!
Available for:

Conferences, Luncheons, Meetings, 
Workshops, Senior Programs

I don't do golf!

I don't do tennis!

do road trips!

6 things to do for a happy life:

Be Positive, Control Stress, Eat Healthy,  Exercise, Fuel your Intellect, Take Road Trips.

This fun presentation is all about Road Trips. Planning, Preparing, and Loving your journey. Get off that main highway. Get lost on the back roads of beautiful America. See things you never imagined seeing. Meet people you never imagined meeting. Understand geography. Understand yourself. And spread a message of passion.  This presentation is stimulating, interactive and inspiring.






East Palestine, Ohio


Shade Gap, PA  (Population 76)


Buddy Holly's Boyhood Home,    

Lubbock Texas

call or text: 847.921.7766
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